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hello my names Father Tadrous well i dont have too much to say mostly I just wanna to tell you a little bit about Great jesus , i am sure that if you know him well you will never leave him !!! try and i Promised , you feel huge Different !!!!
Jesus Wanna be free?
I was reading this morning in John’s gospel, chapter 8. I came on a portion that I have read many times before, but which struck me differently this time. It’s verses 31 and 32: “To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, ‘If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’”

There seems to be a progression here that tells us something important. First, “If you hold to my teaching.” That’s the NIV, and the NASB says “If you abide in my word.” In either case, it is telling us something about living – spending extended time – in the teaching of Jesus, and obeying that teaching. It’s about learning who He is and what He is about by living in his teaching and letting it live in us.

Then He continues, however, and continues the same sentence, saying, “If you live in my teaching, you are really my disciples.” We might understand this two ways. First, if we live in his word, the outcome will be that we will become his followers. Or, the fact of our living in his word is evidence that we are indeed his followers. Both are true.

Then, an additional outcome is that if we abide in his word, and live as his followers, we will know the truth. Truth – ultimate truth – is found in only one place: in the place where we can learn of the One who is Truth. So now, our progression tells us that if we live in his teaching, we will be his followers, and we will know the truth.

Finally, the outcome of following him and knowing the truth is that we are set free. In this passage, the next portion has his listeners responding to him that they are Abraham’s children and have never been slaves of anyone. Jesus passes over the obvious point that these people were in fact living under Roman domination, and had limited freedom. Their protestation is loaded with irony. However, Jesus says to them that they are, indeed, in bondage, though their master is not Rome or any man, but their own sin.

So now we can see the full progression: As we live in the words of Jesus, we become his followers; as we follow him, we learn the truth, because He is Truth, and as we know the truth, we are set free.

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