Heinz Seelbach 27/12/2009 12:34
Man spürt die Kälte! Sehr gut gemacht!LG Heinz
chanchan 27/12/2009 12:33
Il doit faire vraiment froid.amitiés
Thaysen Peter 27/12/2009 12:03
Very coold and winy scene.l.g.
Angelika El. 27/12/2009 11:10
That looks really good! Fine winter-mood and a superbe crop..
JeanPierre 27/12/2009 11:08
Belle photo d'hiver ! ^^botano 27/12/2009 10:49
Großartig.Fantastisch gemacht.. gefällt mir super!
Mark Billiau. 27/12/2009 10:29
Very cold looking winter scene.Good one, Jan !
Franco Lecis 27/12/2009 9:40
Rende perfettamente l'idea dell'invernoanna.s. 27/12/2009 9:27
ein ungemütlicher winterweg...lg, anna
Christine Ge. 27/12/2009 8:54
Yes, it´s looking cold and windy, but it is a very fine landscape picture - And when you reach Delft, you are in a cosy little town with a beautiful market place and romantic canals.Best wishes Tina