sorry Peter, aber dieses Pärchen hinterlässt einfach immer so geistreiche Kommentare, da muss ich einfach drauf antworten :) Du wirst mir verzeihen....
Cool, AZERT kennt sich voll aus mit echter Fotografie :)
Oh, JoCO leaves a stupid comment behind again... Well, you deceided to ignore me, so you should do so :)
don't you think at some stage you should stop embarrassing youself?
I don't see you complaining about those people who suddenly discovered their - key (you remember, all your beloved friends who always vote pro, even for your photos)
Please go on JoCO, you amuse me every day again....
Arno M 20/12/2011 9:18
so wirds gemacht... das gibt 9 pro stimmen mehr... :-)))Der Zacki 17/12/2011 20:21
:-)))))KLAAS H 17/12/2011 19:12
105 contra im französische Voting... das Bild muss gut sein!!Monue 17/12/2011 16:37 Commentaire de vote
-Emilio Sirletti 17/12/2011 16:37 Commentaire de vote
KLAAS H 17/12/2011 16:37 Commentaire de vote
Doesn't fit well in your cosi, foamy, trivial dream world, does it, JOSSIANNE?NOGI 17/12/2011 16:37 Commentaire de vote
contreKLAAS H 17/12/2011 16:37 Commentaire de vote
sorry Peter, aber dieses Pärchen hinterlässt einfach immer so geistreiche Kommentare, da muss ich einfach drauf antworten :) Du wirst mir verzeihen....Cool, AZERT kennt sich voll aus mit echter Fotografie :)
KLAAS H 17/12/2011 16:36 Commentaire de vote
Oh, JoCO leaves a stupid comment behind again... Well, you deceided to ignore me, so you should do so :)don't you think at some stage you should stop embarrassing youself?
I don't see you complaining about those people who suddenly discovered their - key (you remember, all your beloved friends who always vote pro, even for your photos)
Please go on JoCO, you amuse me every day again....
N-I-C 17/12/2011 16:36 Commentaire de vote
+Lancelot de La Flaque 17/12/2011 16:36 Commentaire de vote
*Silvana W. 17/12/2011 16:36 Commentaire de vote
cLuca Di Muzio 17/12/2011 16:36 Commentaire de vote
Hübsch +Zwei AnSichten 17/12/2011 16:36 Commentaire de vote
+aline64 17/12/2011 16:36 Commentaire de vote