Aldieb 28/12/2015 10:42
Christos Banos 12/12/2015 16:22
Superb frame! I like it very much! Congs!gr. Christos
hexe adriana 09/12/2015 19:30
sehr coole perspektive, perfekte symetrie! respekt!lg
TeresaM 08/12/2015 17:47
!i! ***WFS 08/12/2015 10:25
Super gesehen!hollfell 07/12/2015 0:38
Andreas Boeckh 06/12/2015 21:51
I must believe you: green.Andreas
sisley 06/12/2015 19:56
helmut_f 06/12/2015 17:08
Michael Farnschläder 06/12/2015 15:06
fall into oblivionAdele D. Oliver 06/12/2015 1:12
excellent low perspective and great depth ... and the bottle lonely but standing tall amongst the other litter !!!happy Sunday, Dragomir !!!!
atomc 05/12/2015 21:16
very interesting location!Great picture!
Gr. Anton
- Elke K - 05/12/2015 19:54
Yes !!! :-)zEpPoT 05/12/2015 15:40
loneliness ...great!!!
vlg z.
B.K-K 05/12/2015 15:38
na, diiiieeee fühlt sich aber alleine ... ;-)))und dann noch vor vergittertem Ausgang -
LG Brigitte
PS. wieso bitte Green Bottle??? - ich sehe
nur eine lichtfarbene, durchsichtige - *smile