The eyes automatically moves out from the dark area of the beach into the beautiful brightness and structure of the sky. In black and white a special atmosphere.
wow - what a scene of beach, sea and sky ... your low
perspective excellent showing off the fantastic cloud
formations, the story of tiny humans and the dog a
great contrast !!!
wish you a good week,
Ruth U. 05/11/2018 17:31
Exzellenter Bildaufbau, die Diagonale des Strandes und das Meer sind ein klasse Gegenpol zu dem fantastischen Himmel.LG Ruth
Fred Riedel 05/11/2018 12:50
The eyes automatically moves out from the dark area of the beach into the beautiful brightness and structure of the sky. In black and white a special atmosphere.Fred
Roni - 05/11/2018 12:17
Hi,Excellent composition in b/w! :-)
Wolfens 05/11/2018 8:56
klasse dargestellt, das hat wasgruß wolgang
G D 05/11/2018 8:07
Fein umgesetzt.Gruß GD
Adele D. Oliver 05/11/2018 4:11
wow - what a scene of beach, sea and sky ... your lowperspective excellent showing off the fantastic cloud
formations, the story of tiny humans and the dog a
great contrast !!!
wish you a good week,
J Oscar Sierra Echo 04/11/2018 23:28
Atmosphere and composition are just great, greetings.Klaus-Peter Beck 04/11/2018 23:17
Unglaublich gut!!!Glückwunsch zu diesem Volltreffer!
lophoto 04/11/2018 23:02
Top mood and great b&wgrafzahl-123 04/11/2018 22:00
Eine wundervolle Aufnahme,die wir gerne länger betrachten
LG von Dieter
ElaSt 04/11/2018 21:56
A perfect shot.Best wishes,
Frank Oliver Barth 04/11/2018 21:41
Welch tolle Strandstimmung!VLG Frank
claudine capello 04/11/2018 20:43
che cielo !!!! arriva la pioggia con un cielo cosi! fanno bene di godersi i sole !!! complimenti una bella composizione e scena di spiaggia clMarguerite L. 04/11/2018 20:22
Herrliche sw Landschaft!Herr N 04/11/2018 20:02
How I love the beaches you have and the never ending sky.Great picture, nice clouds.
kind regards,