kann dir leider nur bestätigen, dass deine Aufnahmen perfekt sind. ;-) Deine Galerie gefällt mir sehr gut!
Gruß, Markus
Achja... guten Rutsch ins Jahr 2009!
Thats cool Uncle Paddy,
You are the first in a long time who has commented on my photo's ;)
How have you been?
things are great here, we have our first exhibition this coming saturday! till the end of september!
Andrej Nagode 25/12/2009 17:03
Maria João Arcanjo 21/12/2009 19:29
I wish you, Patrick all the best this Christmas and in the New Year of 2010Beijinhos
Brigitte Lucke 20/12/2009 13:15
Andrej Nagode 01/01/2009 10:10
Dear Patrick,
I wish you all the best in the new Year 2009.
Your buddy Andrej
Detlef Klahm 31/12/2008 22:52
I like a person who does not take him/her self too serious ( your portfolio pic/Santa)All the Best to you my friend !
Maria João Arcanjo 30/12/2008 18:35
foto-fun 29/12/2008 15:56
HI,kann dir leider nur bestätigen, dass deine Aufnahmen perfekt sind. ;-) Deine Galerie gefällt mir sehr gut!
Gruß, Markus
Achja... guten Rutsch ins Jahr 2009!
Stefan S. Mosley 22/12/2008 11:34
Maria João Arcanjo 18/12/2008 16:02
Dominique Duriot 14/12/2008 15:32
Joyeux Noel !!
Wayne Tsipouras 15/04/2008 0:34
Thanks for the comment, I'm not on facebook much either so don't worry about that.All the best wishes from Oz!
Robert L. Roux 14/04/2008 5:03
how i looko n
a buell :
a properly refined harley ;-))
a northern greeting
Frank Cecconi 28/01/2008 6:27
Happy New Year PP!Regards
Isabel2 Cruz 24/12/2007 0:40
Thanks for yor comment:)Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year:9
Dennis Veldman 07/08/2007 0:35
hey!Thats cool Uncle Paddy,
You are the first in a long time who has commented on my photo's ;)
How have you been?
things are great here, we have our first exhibition this coming saturday! till the end of september!