Claudio Capobianchi 03/12/2007 23:44
Ludek Sagi Lukac 03/12/2007 19:51
***** :-)Sagi :-)
Fons van Swaal 03/12/2007 18:50
Thank you very much for all the comments , you are very kind.......;-))
Best regards.......Fons
Usa 02/12/2007 19:33
Thank you on commenting my photo!All the best,
Piroska Baetz 02/12/2007 8:45
Szervusz kedves László,ich möchte Dir und deinem Familie ein schöne, besinnliche Adventszeit wünschen.
Mit ganz lieben Grüßen,
die Piri
Ilidio Fernandes 01/12/2007 23:14
Thank you for the comment on myLena Zak 01/12/2007 22:37
Hi László, thank you for your kind comment. LenyGrazia Bertano 01/12/2007 17:44
Thanks for you nice comment!Ciao Grazia
Sarah D. Kiefer 01/12/2007 16:27
haha!! thank you for your picture-comment!! i love that idea!! : ))) i'm happy you like "slightesTouch," too!cheers,
sarah k
Fons van Swaal 01/12/2007 15:41
Thanks for the comment...;-)
Fons van Swaal 01/12/2007 15:00
Ludek Sagi Lukac 01/12/2007 13:07
*****Sagi :-)
Ilidio Fernandes 30/11/2007 20:12
Thank you for the commentsIlidio Fernandes 30/11/2007 17:32
Thank you my friendLászló Bolla 30/11/2007 8:23
Szia Laci!Köszi a nagyon ötletes kommentet.Ilyesmin már én is gondolkodtam,ismerős a probléma :)