Mes meilleures photos
A propos de moi
I want you to tare my pictures apart ....... And tell me many ways to make them better...... I wanna learn from you... :-)
Ken Alvin Jenssen 17/12/2009 7:03
Merry Christmas and a happy new year.Hope the fairytail grant all your vishes!
Best Regards
Ken Alvin Jenssen
Canan Oner 20/10/2008 0:11
Thanks so much Einar,Cheers,
Ken Alvin Jenssen 18/10/2008 9:19
Hi EinarThank you for the kind comment and vote resulting in my first star.
Michael Grotkamp 11/10/2008 6:47
Welcome Einar, have good time here in the communuty.Thank you very much for you kind words also...
Greetings Michael
Dirk Hofmann 12/02/2006 11:52
Hi Einar!I also want to say "Welcome to!"
This is a place to look at, think about and discuss photos and I'm quite sure that you'll find a bunch of nice people around here which share your hobby!
If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me or have a look in our online-help. (
Hope you'll have the fun I have since I became a member!
Valeri Dragnev 10/02/2006 0:35
hank you for your message Einer. You are very right.... Thats most of what I was looking as a result. The original is very, very different...Greetings
JVision 08/02/2006 19:14
Hi Einar,I want to say "Welcome to!"
This is a place to look at, think about and discuss photos and I'm quite sure that you'll find a bunch of nice people around here which share your hobby!
If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me or any other team member
Hope you'll have the fun I have since I became a member!