
Welcome Membership (World)

A propos de moi

Nature is full of Wisdom and Love.

Bin seit meiner Jugend leidenschaftliche Naturfotografin. Ich finde darin all die Weisheit und Liebe, mit der uns unser Schöpfer überhäuft und erfüllt.

Commentaire 1

  • krz-photographs Il y a 9 heures

    Nature is an image of something indescribably great, existing for eons and eons. Wisdom and iridescent, oscillating, purest love.
    I can't prove it scientifically, although I was able to learn this procedure from scratch.
    Believe it or not!, one could conclude "earthly"...
    Well, maybe I'm just telling you the very last piece of nonsense...
    It's not possible to prove it! Believe, yes or no, but only believe, with reservations...
    I'm just a smallest person, among billions...
    What can I tell you that you don't already know at least a little... Nothing at all!
    Please forgive me, I was impertinent!
    I'm sorry that I went so far out on a limb without permission...
    I hope you continue to have a lovely evening!


  • Intéressé par la photographie