John Alves

Free Account, Vancouver

A propos de moi

The Scenery and the wildlife are just amazing out here on the West Coast of Canada. I fell in love with this city just for that. Bald Eagles soaring in the city? Not in Toronto!

Commentaire 7

  • When 08/03/2006 10:41

    Hey eh. Welcome to FC.
  • Jaime Crystal Attenborough 07/03/2006 9:42

    you have some neat shots from canada, welcome to fotocommunity
    hope to see more of your work
    regards Jaime :)

  • Jacqueline Chay 06/03/2006 3:44

    Hi John, im glad you liked my pic
    Im just off out to have a cappuchino :p
    Regards Jackie
  • Dennis Veldman 05/03/2006 5:04

    Hey John!
    Welcome to FC :))
    I hope you will enjoy it here as much as i do.
    also take a look at the forums, they are cool too if you are into following whats going on in them :)
  • Dirk Hofmann 05/03/2006 1:33

    Hi John!

    I also want to say "Welcome to!"

    This is a place to look at, think about and discuss photos and I'm quite sure that you'll find a bunch of nice people around here which share your hobby!

    If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me or have a look in our online-help. (

    Hope you'll have the fun I have since I became a member!

  • Der Zacki 04/03/2006 14:20

    Hi Joao,

    Welcome the the
    The spirit of Fotocommunity is to share knowledge, inspiration and thoughts as a team. Everyone can participate and everyone will share his experiences.
    So I hope you will enjoy it and if you have further
    questions don't hesitate to contact anybody from the support team.

    Our info system is up right now but it is growing permanent:

    cheers Peter
    Channelmanager Nature
  • John Alves 04/03/2006 9:48

    I am very green at this and the first two photos I have submitted raw and just the way I took them with the day/time stamp and not even reformatted as angle. I just hope you all get a glimpse of my world out here and I promise that my next shots will be cleaned up At least with no date/time stamp.
    Enjoy the shots and please do comment on them.
    John Alves
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