Mes meilleures photos
A propos de moi
Knipse mit nikon FA und D70, ab und zu mal ne alte yashica.
Die Yashica ist gestorben :(((
Nach ner durchzechten nacht beim sturz von der bordsteinkante...
Arri SR3 und fan von spiegelblenden
Musik: MeltBanana,Why?,UglyCasanova,Clinic,TheStreets,CharlesMingus und Japanpop
Photographic Techniques
Photography usually begins with a sketch, made by an incredibly small artist inside a metal or plastic box. This sketch is then taken to a printing lab where it is elaborated by a larger, and consequently more skilled, artist. The larger artist is able to add colours, something which can't fit inside the small box. The small artist uses a complex shading method to denote the colour which the large
Digital photography
Recent developments in artistic training have lead to digital photography. This is a form of photography in which the large artist is replaced by a medium-sized artist who can fit inside a home PC. The reason this is now possible is that the training of medium-sized artists no longer involves cutting off their fingers (or digits) hence the name digital photography.
The Death of Photography
It is expected that photography will die out sometime in the twenty-second century due to either heart failure, or the superiority of Neo Soviet Realism.
Knipse mit nikon FA und D70, ab und zu mal ne alte yashica.
Die Yashica ist gestorben :(((
Nach ner durchzechten nacht beim sturz von der bordsteinkante...
Arri SR3 und fan von spiegelblenden
Musik: MeltBanana,Why?,UglyCasanova,Clinic,TheStreets,CharlesMingus und Japanpop
Photographic Techniques
Photography usually begins with a sketch, made by an incredibly small artist inside a metal or plastic box. This sketch is then taken to a printing lab where it is elaborated by a larger, and consequently more skilled, artist. The larger artist is able to add colours, something which can't fit inside the small box. The small artist uses a complex shading method to denote the colour which the large
Digital photography
Recent developments in artistic training have lead to digital photography. This is a form of photography in which the large artist is replaced by a medium-sized artist who can fit inside a home PC. The reason this is now possible is that the training of medium-sized artists no longer involves cutting off their fingers (or digits) hence the name digital photography.
The Death of Photography
It is expected that photography will die out sometime in the twenty-second century due to either heart failure, or the superiority of Neo Soviet Realism.
Hey lampshade go and clean up your room 06/10/2005 18:52
ein dankeschön an dich für den Honig :) und zur Frage: Streifen hab´ich mit Photoshop hinzugefügt.Eigentlich wolltre ich nur eine höhere Körnung rauflegen, aber dann....
AnneG 05/10/2005 20:28
Welcome ;)Ich wünsch dir viel spaß hier und werd demnächst nochmal bei dir reinschauen
Liebe Grüße anne