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A propos de moi
I believe that humans were born from the light and wil return to it. We are caught in a bag of salt water that will dissolve into the earth and our spirit will continue traveling the universe to new backgrownds and shadows to protect us of the stunning developments of the long journey.
Peter Burow 02/08/2009 13:58
Hi rjmadrazo,Thanks a lot for your kind comments!!
Greetings from Germany
the landscaper 31/07/2009 12:49
thanks a lot and welcome here!greetings, tls
sjo26 29/07/2009 23:21
hi in the world of FC. welcome and have fun.rg Susan
rjmadrazo 29/07/2009 22:28
Traveling and living in spain for the moment. I`m a nomad whith no political borders