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A propos de moi


As a new member first of all I would just like to say hi to all fotocommunity members.

I've been taking pictures for a couple years now with a Panasonic Lumix. I enjoy photo shooting very much and have now started to invest somewhat more time and money in this Hobby.

I've invested in a Nikon d700 and the accessories that come with it. After much thought in the direction I would like to go I've decided to try my luck with long exposure night pictures and macro. I feel this would be very challenging and exciting for me.

I'm looking very forward in seting a few pictures in from my Panasonic, and then in the future with the d700 "in fotocommuty" and getting some response from the members, as I would very much like to better myself substantialy in this Hobby.

I would appricate all information, criticism, tipps, and help I can recieve from the members.

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Nikon D700