Giedre Grizaite

Free Account, Bolzano / Bozen

A propos de moi

I am mostly interested in nature photos. With people it's a bit complicated, but I try to learn and to do my best.

Photography for me is a wonderful hobby. It helps to relax... to know new people. Each time a photographing brings new emotions.
I love it. ;)

I am from Lithuania, but now I live in Italy.

I speak:
Lithuanian (mother tongue)
Russian (good enough to understand and read)
English (fluent)
Italiano (tutto va benissimo)
Deutsch (ich verstehe)

Commentaire 7

  • Marco Tibolla 17/07/2009 22:49

    Mille grazie del graditissimo commento:-)))
  • Janusz Wa 25/05/2009 14:04

    all photos very nice !!!!!!
  • Kevin Jung 15/04/2009 15:05

    Dear Giedre
    Thanks for your kind comment on my picture.
    I visited your phoes where I found something in commom between yours and mine.
    If u have chance to come to Frankfurt, pls let me know.
    Best Regards
  • Marco Tibolla 20/12/2008 19:43

    .... ottimi i tuoi scatti......
    Gocce di cristallo
    Gocce di cristallo
    Marco Tibolla
  • Marco Tibolla 05/12/2008 18:48

    Ciao il posto che hai probabbilmente gia visto è il ponte in Val Sarentino......
  • Cees Kuijs 08/07/2007 7:23

    Welcome to the
    We`re glad that you`ve found this place to share you`re passion for photography.
    You can view and comment the work of others, you can upload your own work to share it and get comments from other people around the world, and you can discuss or ask about anything you might want to know about our common interests.

    For more further help you can take a look at the following links :

    For online help, click on this link ;

    If there is still anything else you want to know, you can always ask me or an other member of the team for your questions.

    Fotocommunity is sharing your passion !!

    Well see you and have a lot of fun :-))
    Cees Kuijs, Channelmanager Nature
  • Donata Casiraghi 08/07/2007 0:45

    Ciao, Giedre, auguri di buona luce sulla tua creatività -
    a presto!
    do (Donata Casiraghi)
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