Mes meilleures photos
A propos de moi
I travel all over the world with my family via the U.S. Air Force. I love taking photographs and use a Panasonic Digital DMC-FZ10. I am definately a beginner but hopefully will still have some things to contribute. I really enjoy photographing Nature and the local culture and people of the countries I have visited. And my three kiddos of course!
Dirk Hofmann 28/10/2006 13:24
i also want to say: "welcome"hope you enjoy your stay and find some new friends around here pretty soon ... :-)
When 27/10/2006 21:53
Hello. A warm welcome to FC from colorful Seattle, Washington. If you need any help getting around just give me a Quick Message. Yellow buddy light on. Make sure to join us in the forums and introduce yourself in the Meet and Greet section.