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A propos de moi

Je m´appelle Elin, j´ai 15 ans et j´habite en la Suéde. J´aime regarder beau pictures. Je voudrais aussi apprendre de prendre des beaux photos moi-méme. Merci pour regarder mes pictures!

My name is Elin, I´m 15 years old and I live in Sweden. I love to watch good photos. And I want to be better at it myself. Thanks for watching my photos!

Commentaire 3

  • elin95k 20/02/2011 13:24

    Thank you very much Adele. Yes, I´m hoping to learn a lot about pictures by watching other´s photos here. I´m looking forward to being a member of FotoCommunity! Have a nice day!
  • Adele D. Oliver 20/02/2011 3:22

    Greetings, Elin!! Glad that you found your way to FotoCommunity!! A warm welcome!!!! I hope you will enjoy showing your images and having a look at other members' photos.
    Have fun, get inspired and make many friends!!!
    Friendly regards,

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