
Free Account, Beigem

A propos de moi

Continuously in search of beauty. Humble amateur photographer with limited technical skills but with a keen eye.

Commentaire 46

  • H.J.Sch 07/05/2017 19:48

  • Dirk-OliverSchröder 10/04/2017 15:23

    Hi Frieda!
    Thank you for the lovely comment!
    Greetings, Dirk

    Thank you so much for commenting my pictures!
    Greeitings Dirk

    Nature DPC181 Serenity [Erstveröffentlichung 24. August 2019]
    Nature DPC181 Serenity [Erstveröffentlichung 24. August 2019]
  • Zeitaufnahme 09/04/2017 0:39

    Hey Frieda,
    thanks for your voting.
    12 Points goes to Belgie.
    Best regards
  • blue moon 07/04/2017 19:09

    Hallo Frieda, thank you for your nice words to my photo. It makes me happy.
    blue moon

    Viele Grüße von Bluemoon
  • Ricardo José 30/03/2017 11:12

    Hey Thank You for your Comment. LG Ricardo
  • Olaf_Barth 29/03/2017 16:41

    Hello Frieda,
    Thx for your Comment

    Have a nice day
  • Alois Schnirch 29/03/2017 12:17

    Hello Frieda,
    Thank you verry much for your comment.

    Have a Nice Day!
  • Adrianus Aarts 29/03/2017 11:30

    Hallo Frieda,
    bij deze mijn dank op mijn foto Opdorp, ook heb ik je foto's in de Fc bekeken en vind daar wonderbaarlijk fijne en klasse opnamen.
    Gaarne wil ik meer van je fôto's bewonderen en zet je als het goed op Oranje om je te volgen
    LG ad
  • G. M 28/03/2017 21:10

    A very nice gallery, you make wonderful pictures, which inspire me, I thank you for it. Greetings from the mountains
  • Jaume Morera Guixà 23/03/2017 11:40

    Thank you very much.... muchas gracias Frieda !!!!!!
  • Christian Villain 21/03/2017 19:57

    VENISE - 31 -
    VENISE - 31 -
    Christian Villain
    Merci pour votre appréciation .
    Amicalement .
  • bijane 19/03/2017 17:23

    hallo frieda,
    vielen dank für die lobe für meine vier bilder, freut mich sehr.
    lg bijane
  • Bine 12 19/03/2017 17:05

    thank you for your comment and praises. Many greetings from Bine
  • Peter Wachholz 19/03/2017 11:05

    Hallo Frieda,
    ich habe mich sehr über Deine Lobe zu meinen "Campus-Garching Fotos gefreut.
    LG Peter
  • Milos Villaris 18/03/2017 21:00

    Mucor plumbeus
    Mucor plumbeus
    Milos Villaris
    Thank you very much FriedaFelicia for your interest about my photo. According to my opinion its quality is not so good as should be. Maybe this one is better .

    BR Milos.
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