Mes meilleures photos
A propos de moi
Hello, my name is Genny and I am a professional photographer. After I received a graduate's diploma in 1986, I have worked for 12 years for a Moldavian state firm. I have started my practice with a Kiev 19, 6x6 film for outdoors photography and an old photo camera (Wagner Zone IV) with photo plates of 9x12, 10x15, 13x18 for indoor photography. At the moment I am using a Nikon D60 and its performance is very satisfying. Attending a digital photo course in 2011 helped me learn about the new technology in photography. I have been living in Italy for the past ten years and I am fascinated by its variety of landscapes and architecture. I love portraying reality, and also illustrating my thoughts through nature scenery.
Carlo Schicchio 04/09/2022 19:14
Grazie per la visita e il tuo apprezzamento CarloBruno Correggia 03/11/2015 21:47
Grazie del commento... era da un po' che non facevo un salto sulla community e avevo un po' di nostalgia.Appena ho un po' di tmpo esco a fare nuove foto. ;)
Mauro Inglese 06/09/2015 12:42
Grazie GennyMauro
Carlo Schicchio 05/09/2015 19:23
Grazie una vera occasione grazie per il tuo apprezzamento CarloCarlo Schicchio 03/09/2015 9:12
Grazie per la tua visita e per il tuo apprezzamento un piacere conoscerti a presto Carloclaudine capello 10/08/2015 11:33
grazie del commento gentile !!!! claudineCarlo Schicchio 09/08/2015 18:34
Grazie per la tua visita e il tuo apprezzamento Carlo