Mes meilleures photos
A propos de moi
I have always loved photography and i recently bought a Olympus E-volt E-500. I love taking pictures of everything, i have always been the one that everyone hates at family functions because i am clicking Anyway i would eventually love to persue a career in photography, right now i am still new at it and am looking for any tips or comments on my pics. Thanks to all who are being so nice to me.. :o)
Jessica LaPalm 02/02/2006 6:08
Hello Jennifer I was "googling" my family name and saw some of your images and decided to make my own account on this site. Your pictures are beautiful so don't put your camera away!John Moore 12/07/2005 14:55
Welcome Jennifer, to FC.You will have a great time here viewing and exchanging ideas and oppinions with many talented
members and the team.
Best wishes from Australia.
Outback John