Nina- Christin

Free Account, Mettmann

A propos de moi

Hi, my name is Nina-Christin!
I do some modeling from time to time. I realy enjoy standig in front of a camera, but nobody´s perfect! So if you have any comments, suggestions or whatever please let me now...


Commentaire 11

  • Tiefdunkelblau 03/01/2017 18:57

    Hallo Nina!
    Wir hatten ja schon sehr lange keinen Kontakt. Bist du denn überhaupt noch "aktiv" vor der Kamera? Lass mal von dir hören. Ich wünsch dir einen guten Start ins neue Jahr!
    ....früher: Phoebus7... ;)
  • Martin Herdicky 05/03/2006 13:45

    Hi Nina!

    Thanks a lot for your nice comment on my photo "Old man and the sea..."


    Old man and the sea...
    Old man and the sea...
    Martin Herdicky
  • Murat Kivrak 02/03/2006 10:53

    Hi Nina. Thanks for your comment. You are so beautifull. Nice to meet you.
  • Ray Steinberg 28/02/2006 6:59

    Hi Nina,

    Welcome to FC.

    Greetings from the United States.


  • When 24/02/2006 11:59

    Welcome to FC from Seattle. Hope you enjoy yourself here.
  • Andy Pomplun 22/02/2006 12:39

    Hallo Nina, schön Dich hier zu sehen!!!! Orange! ;-)
  • Khaled Jarrar 22/02/2006 9:39

    so cool pictures ... you have a good eye....


    Khaled - Palestine
  • BJM 21/02/2006 19:27

    Hello pretty Lady,
    you live in my last name :-))

    greets BJM
  • Stu Good 21/02/2006 11:04

    Hi Nina,
    Thanks for your comment on my photo.
    Welcome to the FC, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do and look forward to seeing more of your photos.
    Regards, Stu.
  • JVision 20/02/2006 6:46

    Hi Nina-Christin,

    I want to say "Welcome to!"

    This is a place to look at, think about and discuss photos and I'm quite sure that you'll find a bunch of nice people around here which share your hobby!

    If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me or any other team member
    Hope you'll have the fun I have since I became a member!

  • Jeremy B 20/02/2006 4:48

    Welcome to FC. Think there's great potential.
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