Alaska | icy walls |
Portage Glacier, an impressive experience
July 2013, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Alaska | icy walls |
Portage Glacier, an impressive experience
July 2013, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Michèle lu 06/12/2015 13:47
Ganz mein GeschmackLG aus Luxemburg
Glenn Capers 25/02/2015 22:44
A great shot. Very special.K.-H.Schulz 15/10/2014 19:53
Sehr schöne Aufnahme. Klasse hast du die Farbe rüber gebrachtLG:karl-heinz
flakkari 24/07/2014 22:49
Fantastisch! Diese Klarheit und diese Blautöne! Unglaublich schön!Viele Grüße, Steffen
Zman68 02/07/2014 9:43
Beautiful shades of BLUE .Zman68
Berthold Klammer 20/04/2014 9:13
Very impressive!!!!! Great capture!regards and Happy Easter - Berthold
Dragomir Vukovic 12/03/2014 18:24
*** great one ***s. sabine krause 30/01/2014 16:09
mountains surrounded and secured by an armor of cold blue ice! an impressive sight indeed! love the juxtaposition of the almost "subterranean shadiness of the vertical wall of ice with the sunlit snowy world above! greetings, sabine.Zman68 22/01/2014 11:13
Very nice shot of the glacier. HelloZman68
Harold Thompson 11/01/2014 9:58
They are great to see saw them in Norway and to listen to sounds of them too. and if lucky to see a beak off.:-)) Harold
Ken Piros 21/12/2013 15:08
A massive piece of ice.Glenn Capers 20/12/2013 1:21
One big Ice cube my friend.gemblue 14/12/2013 2:33
Breathtaking these massive ice masses!Adele D. Oliver 13/12/2013 21:09
an excellent capture of this overwhelming blue mass of ice ... beautiful and cold at the same time and reminding us that sadly this is a scene that will change with time !!!greetings, Adele
Birdies Landscapes 13/12/2013 17:44
sag mal, wo treibst du dich denn rum.die eisfront ist ja gigantisch
lg birdy