Big Grand Angular View photo et image | landscape, fields & meadows, nature Images fotocommunity
Big Grand Angular View photo et image de Jorge Luis Lopez ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur Découvre ici d'autres images.
I really like your picture. I love the scenery and the colours. Maybe there's still something missing to catch your attention, but besides that it's a beautiful photo. Keep on working, because that's what it needs to become a great photographer! Only by taking many photos and trying new things, you'll be able to publish great shots. Good luck and nice pic!
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Karin Baumgaertel 25/09/2006 0:39
I really like your picture. I love the scenery and the colours. Maybe there's still something missing to catch your attention, but besides that it's a beautiful photo. Keep on working, because that's what it needs to become a great photographer! Only by taking many photos and trying new things, you'll be able to publish great shots. Good luck and nice pic!