Killing Time photo et image | people Images fotocommunity
Killing Time photo et image de Ilidio Fernandes ᐅ Regarde la photo gratuitement sur Découvre ici d'autres images.
Your excellent pov IIidio has given this picture a wonderful perpective,i find your choice of black and white a superb one which add alot to the aspects of this picture.
excellent story telling with your bird's eye perspective and composition of this finely detailed black and white image !!!
great to see you back, Ilidio !!!
greetings, Adele
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Christos Banos 31/01/2015 10:08
Great pic!Lauro Benvinda 17/08/2014 17:15
Muito bom!JOKIST 12/08/2014 16:51
Eine tolle Szene -gut festgehalten !
LG Ingrid und Hans
anthony ryan 12/08/2014 11:11
Your excellent pov IIidio has given this picture a wonderful perpective,i find your choice of black and white a superb one which add alot to the aspects of this picture.Tony
Adele D. Oliver 12/08/2014 7:19
excellent story telling with your bird's eye perspective and composition of this finely detailed black and white image !!!great to see you back, Ilidio !!!
greetings, Adele
Dragomir Vukovic 12/08/2014 1:03
great 1 !