my mouth is all dried up...
...and my eyes are all shut, we're speaking a new language where words are not enough.
And if we spoke like we never spoke before we would rip out our tongue and watch it loose control.
And I will never repeat the institutionalized talk of schools and teachers and bosses and "experts" and politicians.
>>>>>>>The International Noise Conspiracy
Christian Hämmerle 25/05/2004 21:03
Muss sagen dass mir das geile blau gefällt. vielleicht nicht ganz so hart unten abschneiden, sonst ises echt kuhl!nsirhc
Move Lachine 24/05/2004 21:46
jo, topfkind, sehr gut!Zisch 24/05/2004 21:45
hehe danke....... ;)Tom Riedel 24/05/2004 21:43
welcome back in sh.....hammer bild...wie machst du das nur....mal wieder sehr steiiiiiilischhhhhhh!!;)
takec care