One day, Baby.....
Songtext "One Day / Reckoning Song" (2012)
Asaf Avidan
- israelischer Folk-Rock-Musiker -
No more tears, my heart is dry
I don't laugh and I don't cry
I don't think about you all the time
But when I do I wonder why
One day baby, we'll be old
Oh baby, we'll be old
And think of all the stories that we could have told
Little me and little you
Kept doing all the things they do
They never really think it through
Like I can never think you're true
One day baby, we'll be old
Oh baby, we'll be old
And think of all the stories that we could have told.
....und sehr Nachdenkens-Wert der Beitrag von
(Meisterin der Streiche, wenn es um Selbstbetrug geht)
"Eines Tages, Baby, werden wir alt sein,
oh Baby, werden wir alt sein
und an all die Geschichten denken,
die wir hätten erzählen können."
beim 5. Bielefelder Hörsaal-Slam
im Mai 2013
Froillein Gitte 02/03/2014 13:16
Das ist klasse gemacht.LG