8 107 4


Olympus E20, F4.0,1/400sec.

Commentaire 4

  • jim007 16/11/2012 1:55

    Thank you Susana, I think this frog just wanted to pose for the photo, not waiting to be kissed just asking to have his picture taken sitting 5 meters from the camera's lens and enjoying the afternoon sunshine.
  • Susana Miguel 15/11/2012 16:32

    How was it with him:
    Will a kiss from the princess turn him into a prince or was it the orther way rount, the kissed turned him into a frog?
    And now, is he sunbathing or just waiting for that stupid fly to stop flying around him and to sit down on the leaf for him to catch it quickly?
    Anyway, although not too highly regarded - apart from the mostly French lovers of frog legs -, he sits there regally, posing for this lovely shot.

    Nice green and fresh colour scheme, congratulations.

    Best regards,
  • jim007 10/11/2012 2:46

    Danke Markus!
  • Markus Möllers 07/11/2012 20:21

    Great,nice picture

    Gruß Markus


Dossier Past work
Vu de 8 107


APN E-20,E-20N,E-20P
Objectif ---
Ouverture 4
Temps de pose 1/400
Focale 36.0 mm
ISO 80