Ready for some Black and White Leica Photography......
I`m ready! Where`s the black and white film at?
Model: 1945 "Kugellager" ball bearung shutter (non K stamped) Leica IIIC camera and a 1940 Leitz f2.0 50mm Summitar lens
Camera: Sony CD500
Another one of my everyday user cameras is this very unique postwar issue (August 1945) Leica IIIC K of which maybe less than 200 were produced with a special ball bearing shutter (for use under extreme cold weather conditions) built and delivered especially for service with the US Army in Germany
This camera features a very early production "uncoated" f2.0 50mm Summitar lens and the original yellow, green and orange Leitz filters
....and this camera shoots pretty good color photos too -
More about these rare and very unique postwar US Army issued Leica cameras in a book which I will be publishing in 2009/20010
Horst Lehmitz 31/10/2007 12:49
Vielleicht sollte man mal eine Sektion "Leica" eröffnen?LG Horst L.
Andy Pomplun 31/10/2007 11:16
what a beauty!and I use mine quite often, too :)