Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Sickle of the Sun

total solar eclipse Nov. 14/2012 in the South Pacific Ocean

as the moon in ca. 25 minutes makes its way to cover the sun completely,
it was disappointing that one could not take photos of the event unless one had special equipment (it would burn out the lens). a group of eclipse-chasers were well equipped ....... I looked through my special dark glasses, through the viewfinder, through dark glasses trying to cover the lens - I could not see anything at all, just aimed, could not use my telephoto ..... so, here are the meager results (which to me still mean a lot).
at full (3 minutes lasting) coverage of the sun we could take our glasses off and take pictures of the corona - then it was glasses again and no pictures for another ca. 25 minutes before the moon left the sun again.

Sichel of the Sun Nov. 14/2012
Sichel of the Sun Nov. 14/2012
Adele D. Oliver

Commentaire 27


Dossier South Pacific
Vu de 5 105


APN Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Objectif Unknown 6-72mm
Ouverture 3.2
Temps de pose 1/25
Focale 10.8 mm
ISO 233

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