Nik |

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A propos de moi

Hello! I'm a swiss semi pro photographer around zurich.

I like people-, landscape- and sport photography.

Equipement: Canon 30D [...]

Commentaire 5

  • Francesco Margarita 06/12/2007 18:49

    Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo
    Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo
    Francesco Margarita

    Marry Christmas and a good New Year 2008 ********
    Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo 2008
    Francesco Margarita
  • .K.O.J.O.T.E. 23/11/2007 10:56

    hehe ja danke schön.. ja nu zuä chan no comments verträge ;o)
  • Kurt Salzmann 02/10/2007 10:15

    Herzlich willkommen in der Fotocommunity. Ich wünsche dir viel Spass beim Mitmachen. Hier habe ich eine Liste mit FC-Usern aus der Schweiz, dem grenznahen Süddeutschland und Vorarlberg zusammengestellt: Viele Grüsse, Kurt
  • Giorgos Fidanas 19/09/2007 19:04

    Hello, Nik...
    and welcome. I must say that i'm amazed from your first 2 uploads. Terrific work, and with a subject that is neglected from the "com" section of the FC. I'm hoping to see more of your work. Glad to meet you here.
  • felidae. 19/09/2007 15:50

    Welcome to the
    We`re glad that you`ve found this place to share your passion for photography.

    For further help you can have a look at the following links :

    For online help, just look here:

    If there is still anything else you want to know, don´t hesitate to write us.

    Enjoy the fotocommunity! :-) :-) :-)

    Grit Siwonia, Youth channel manager
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