Hi, and welcome to our community :-) ...og så litt på norsk: Velkommen om du vil på medlemsmøte i kameraklubben tirsdag 4/9. det koster ingenting ut året, vi holder til på "lilleonkel" inngang gjennom selve "onkel"...
vi sees?...
A warm welcome to fotocommunity.com! The spirit of this platform is to share ideas, knowledge and pictures. Its a chance to communicate with photographers all over the world and to improve your own skills.
I would like to encourage you not only to upload pictures to share, but also to participate in writing comments to other photographers the same way you expect to get them for your own work. You¦ll see, it will work after a time..:-))
Tor-Henrik Furmyr 29/08/2007 15:05
Hi, and welcome to our community :-) ...og så litt på norsk: Velkommen om du vil på medlemsmøte i kameraklubben tirsdag 4/9. det koster ingenting ut året, vi holder til på "lilleonkel" inngang gjennom selve "onkel"...vi sees?...
Matthias Moritz 27/08/2007 4:44
Hello Ken Alvin!A warm welcome to fotocommunity.com! The spirit of this platform is to share ideas, knowledge and pictures. Its a chance to communicate with photographers all over the world and to improve your own skills.
I would like to encourage you not only to upload pictures to share, but also to participate in writing comments to other photographers the same way you expect to get them for your own work. You¦ll see, it will work after a time..:-))
If you have any questions about fotocommunity, don¦t hesitate to ask. The team:
will gladly help you.
Have fun! Great to have you here from Norway!
Kind regards
Channel Manager
in medias res 27/08/2007 0:55
Herzlich willkommen in der FC. Die Beschäftigung mit Bildern und Ideen birgt ein hohes Suchtpotential. ;-)Viel Spaß und nette Kontakte hier wünscht Dir
- in medias res.
Steffi1981 26/08/2007 20:20
Hello and welcome to FC!Uschi Köhler 26/08/2007 20:17
Hallo Ken, sei gegrüßt und noch viele schöne Bilder von dir. "Fishing" - ein super Bild und eine tolle Stimmung.LG Uschi