This photo has been nominated for the gallery, but has been turned down with 37 pro and 43 contra votes.
when you vote, vote and write down the true
this photo had 41 "pro" and "+" and in the end appear only don't be liar to yourself, it's a pity for you....
Thanks anyway for the voting but be genuine....
I have no problem with contra votes
iacob ion 01/05/2011 23:17
Thank you for your vote!Best wishes,Iacob
Günter Ki. 27/04/2011 17:23
Danke!!!LG Günter
Wolfgang (Wolf) 26/04/2011 0:45
Dank dir für den schönen Kommentar - eine schöne Woche wünsche ich dir lg wolfTeresaM 25/04/2011 11:07
Merci pour ton commentaire :-)
guvo4 24/04/2011 11:03
Frohe Ostern und schöne, sonnige Tage.Happy Easter and nice, sunny days.
Kaith Kakavouli 21/04/2011 5:48
...with my best wishes !!!!!!Margrit Kehl 07/04/2011 10:49
Super,das dir der karierte Himmel über dem Aargau gefällt,danke für dein Feedbck !
Liebe Grüsse
Andreas.K 05/04/2011 22:00
Danke!Bertolini Arturo 05/04/2011 20:16
Wolfgang (Wolf) 10/03/2011 10:09
Das freut mich - danke dir ! lg wolfKaith Kakavouli 09/03/2011 14:19
This photo has been nominated for the gallery, but has been turned down with 37 pro and 43 contra votes.when you vote, vote and write down the true
this photo had 41 "pro" and "+" and in the end appear only don't be liar to yourself, it's a pity for you....
Thanks anyway for the voting but be genuine....
I have no problem with contra votes
Thomas Thurner 07/03/2011 21:08
DankeLG Tom
Diego Barbieri 07/03/2011 8:59
Danke Matija!Saluti
b. monica 08/02/2011 21:04
thank you very mich and good night1 monicamagnolia-ds 08/02/2011 20:59
Hallo MatijaDanke für deine Anmerkung. Es freut mich, dass dir mein Bild gefällt..
Lieber Gruss