Thank you Ricko for all the nice comments on my pics particular the one about Lucy. By the way, she was just woken up in Shadows bead.
Anyway, have a nice Sunday on your bike hopefully with more sun than we have today and be carefully on the road, cos I’ve looked in my glass for you. Believe it or not there are lots of fools on the road.
daniele pennuto 22/05/2008 10:45
Thank's my brother, big big kiss for you from my family e all siracusa.Comy 21/05/2008 11:08
thanks...:)daniele pennuto 20/05/2008 11:01
My brother, la tua foto in galleria io non posso votarla, mi spiace tanto, il regolamento lo vieta ma tu sai che mi piace molto.daniele pennuto 20/05/2008 10:51
noi ti mandiamo un grosso bacioJacqueline Chay 20/05/2008 0:49
Hi Rick - Thought you would like this one lol ThanksJackie
Fons van Swaal 19/05/2008 13:10
Thanks a lot my friend..........
Stefano Todde 18/05/2008 15:33
molto gentile grazie dei PRO,ti saluto.stefano.
Stefano Todde 18/05/2008 15:31
ti ringrazio molto ,un carissimo saluto.Stefano Todde 18/05/2008 15:30
ancora mille grazie .Stefano Todde 18/05/2008 15:18
grazie Ricko ,saluti.Stefano Todde 18/05/2008 15:14
saluti carissimi.Stefano Todde 18/05/2008 14:50
saluti.K.L. Short 18/05/2008 12:58
thank for the sweet comment KAnita Goinar 18/05/2008 6:33
Thank you Ricko for all the nice comments on my pics particular the one about Lucy. By the way, she was just woken up in Shadows bead.Anyway, have a nice Sunday on your bike hopefully with more sun than we have today and be carefully on the road, cos I’ve looked in my glass for you. Believe it or not there are lots of fools on the road.
Fons van Swaal 17/05/2008 11:53
Thanks a lot my friend ............;-)))