K.L. Short 30/03/2008 20:25
thanks for the great comments. you have been busy great work K.L.Frau M. aus D. an der E. 30/03/2008 17:12
thank you very much!!here is a news..
greetings carola
Fons van Swaal 30/03/2008 11:47
Thanks a lot my friend for the reactions ....
Do you like Ducks in the frying pan or in the water......;-))))
Greetings ..........Fons
Alessandro Bella 28/03/2008 9:41
Thanks RickooooooTania Moncada 27/03/2008 16:05
Thank you Ricko!!!:-D
LORENZO AUDISIO 27/03/2008 14:37
ciao ricko! grazie per le belle parole, se vuoi saperne di più sui NEGATIPI visita il mio sitowww.lorenzoaudisio.com
LORENZO AUDISIO 26/03/2008 17:57
ciao ! complimenti per i tuoi lavori, molto interessanti!!!se ti va prova a dare un'occhiata al mio video
Grazia Mar 25/03/2008 23:49
Ciao Ricko, grazie per il tuo commento!Grazia
daniele pennuto 25/03/2008 11:15
Grazie my brother.Jacqueline Chay 25/03/2008 10:14
Hi Rick, Thank you for your input to my pics Luv JackieDavide Pennuto 24/03/2008 21:09
ciao riki come stai? lo sai che mi manchi tanto? lo sai riki! ti voglio tanto tanto tanto tanto beneKaren Thomas 24/03/2008 20:04
Thanks again Ricko for your comments on my photosregards, Karen
Fons van Swaal 24/03/2008 16:23
Burckhard A. Straub 24/03/2008 12:21
but what did u expected, did u never seen their show before? They are only interested in making moneyCanan Oner 24/03/2008 10:13
Hey Ricko !!!!! A very good morning to a new day !!!!Thanks a lot for the lovely words.....:)))
Much love & hugs,