Fons van Swaal 01/07/2009 19:04
Camera Used : Olympus E-3
Lens Used : Olympus Zuiko ED 300mm f 2.8
Thank you for being interested ......;-))
Best regards,
Fons van Swaal 01/07/2009 18:40
Thank you very much for comment.....;-))
Best regards,
JOKIST 02/06/2009 12:18
Vielen DANK !!!!LG Ingrid und Hans
Michele Ballerini 11/05/2009 17:51
Thank you
chris nsmith 10/05/2009 21:54
Emir Hadzidervisagic Roki 27/04/2009 11:20
Bahram, thanks for comment! EmirEva T 14/04/2009 16:54
Thanks for your comment :-)P.Bahram 04/04/2009 13:55
mohmad amin zakerhosiny 04/04/2009 7:35
hi bahramthanks for comenet
thanks for your ide
have a nice time
hot chili 23/02/2009 20:36
Hi,vielen Dank für den netten Kommentar zu meinem Bild.
Es freut mich, dass es dir gefällt.
Viele Grüße Chris
.. 11/02/2009 17:18
Thanks, ciao Giancarlo.Grazie!!
kontos 11/02/2009 14:59
thank,s P.Bahram!nasim 26/01/2009 11:22
Thanks Bahram for your comment.Goodluck in FC.
Neda Astani 25/01/2009 16:11
well done Bahram, you have so nice view point of environment.Good Luck every time
Mahsa Jamali 25/01/2009 15:51
see this one :)