dankeschön für deine anmerkung. freut mich sehr, daß dir das bild gefällt... ;-)
dir eine schöne vorweihnachtszeit und viele liebe grüße aus einem verschneiten deutschland,
Thank you Olhares for your many different comments to my photographs this past weekend.
I must first try and translate the Spanish into English and then I will respond again.
All the very best wishes from Canada,
Thank you Olhares for your kind commentary to this new photograph as well as your suggestion for Open Friendship Status.
Best wishes to you and your family this Festive Season.
leonorakarr 23/12/2009 2:09
espero poder corresponderte en breve
..pasa buenos momentos y,no dejes de crear
besos y gracias por tu confianza
Monika Eichert und Wolfgang Graser 20/12/2009 9:59
dankeschön für deine anmerkung. freut mich sehr, daß dir das bild gefällt... ;-)dir eine schöne vorweihnachtszeit und viele liebe grüße aus einem verschneiten deutschland,
Double A 19/12/2009 1:57
Thank you Olhares for you kind comment to this newest photograph from the forests of Japan.A&A
† Werner Kiera aka Datenverarbeiter 18/12/2009 22:58
danke !lg,
Roberto Andreini 18/12/2009 14:53
Muchas gracias a ti!!!!Muy bueno fine semana
Roberto and C.
Double A 15/12/2009 7:00
Thank you Olhares for your many different comments to my photographs this past weekend.I must first try and translate the Spanish into English and then I will respond again.
All the very best wishes from Canada,
Roberto Andreini 14/12/2009 18:24
Thank too much Olhares for your kind comment!!!!
ciao Roberto
Fabrizio Caratelli 14/12/2009 11:35
Con mucho gusto (spero di aver scritto bene !)Fabri
Double A 14/12/2009 3:49
Thank you Olhares for your kind commentary to this new photograph as well as your suggestion for Open Friendship Status.Best wishes to you and your family this Festive Season.
Roberto L. 13/12/2009 18:14
Muchas gracias por tu preciosos comentarios!Roby
Fabrizio Caratelli 13/12/2009 17:34
Grazie !!!Fabri
Roberto Andreini 11/12/2009 17:47
Thank a lot Olhares!!
Nice week end
leonorakarr 10/12/2009 3:04
..ésta te cantará mientras trabajas
un abrazo
Roberto Andreini 01/12/2009 18:44
Muchas gracias por tuus comentario:-)))!!!!!ciao Roberto y C.
Alessandro Russo 30/11/2009 23:23
Gracias a todos los votantesEstoy muy contento
ciao Alessandro