Hi Nancy,
Thank you for your kind words on my photos. They are very much appreciated. I have been browsing through your pictures and I like them very much. I will be back so I can look at all of them. Nice meeting you here on FC. Keep in touch and have a nice week.
Best regards, Perry
Alfredo Mazzoni 03/06/2009 12:31
Thank You Nancy, un caro saluto e felice di conoscerti, ti metto fra i miei amici, a presto Alfredoanthony ryan 02/06/2009 10:48
Its like me bald and past it,Thanks again for all your beautiful comments Nancy.They mean so much to me when I read them.Best wishes.
anthony ryan 02/06/2009 10:40
Thanks again for beautiful comments Nancy,I loved them as usual.Best wishes and have a nice day.
Hercules W. Jones 01/06/2009 4:17
Thank you for the comment....=)WGL 29/05/2009 0:16
Thank you for your kind comments.Regards
Chris Kieffer 28/05/2009 21:09
Tks for your kind comments, regardsanthony ryan 28/05/2009 19:39
Thank you so much for your loverly comments Nancy,And yes it is a beautifull place to sit and relax.Best wishes and have a nice evening.
William Williamson 28/05/2009 18:38
Hi Nancy;Many thanks for the comments that you posted on the the fotos. And the very nice comment on this foto.
Regards William.
William Williamson 28/05/2009 18:28
Hi Nancy;I had taken a whole series of very quick shots and picked this one from them. Many thaks for your very nice comment.
Regards William.
chris nsmith 28/05/2009 18:26
Thank youbw
Foto-Nomade 28/05/2009 8:48
Ich habe Deine Nachricht gelesen.Danke dafür und weiterhin so gute Bilder.
Liebe Grüße von Foto-Nomade.
Foto-Nomade 27/05/2009 0:03
Danke für den Besuch in meinen Bildernund die lieben Anmerkungen.
Fons van Swaal 26/05/2009 19:19
Thanks a lot Nancy for comment again, as always much appreciated....;-))
Sanjin Omerovic 26/05/2009 10:46
thank you for your comments and kind words you said in my profile... i really like your photos, just keep posting more =)Perry Blevins 25/05/2009 22:33
Hi Nancy,Thank you for your kind words on my photos. They are very much appreciated. I have been browsing through your pictures and I like them very much. I will be back so I can look at all of them. Nice meeting you here on FC. Keep in touch and have a nice week.
Best regards, Perry