Wolfgang Popp Villingen 15/02/2017 17:26
danke für dein lob.liebe grüße wolfgang
Irinel 14/02/2017 10:35
Thanks for your praise to my London picture!Best regards
Hamann110 06/02/2017 19:16
Tanks for the praise to my Prag pictureRegards,
Christian Villain 06/02/2017 15:32
Merci pour votre appréciation .Amicalement .
skfreimFoto 04/02/2017 21:02
Thank you very much for your commentary. Had been thinking about cutting the left side but then thought to leave it as a kind of frame. Greetings!1boller 04/02/2017 15:19
Moin, kiitos kiitosta, mutta kunnioitusta valokuvia. Kelpasi minulle hyvin!AF-Point 01/02/2017 15:00
Thanks for your appreciation Regards DorisFLOw_photography 29/01/2017 10:09
Tanks for the praise to my Picture "Winterland".Regards,
Francesco Cappello Photography 25/01/2017 19:31
Hi Raimomany thanks for your appreciation to my pictures.
Christian Villain 17/01/2017 13:57
Merci pour votre visite et votre appréciation .Amicalement .
Henry Eicken 17/01/2017 12:01
Hello Raimo,thanks for the praise to may fog-picture!
nardo1 16/01/2017 16:09
Thanks you for the praise.Veikko 04/01/2017 8:10
Kyllä, se oli viileä sääThomas Heartfelt 11/11/2016 15:05
Hi Raimo, nice to see you back again : )Greetings, Thomas
loupo52 05/10/2016 21:45
Thank you for comments