Thanks again for your beautiful comments and visit..spring is turning the corner, just wait a little auttumn is coming fast here..everyday is getting colder..:( but winter comes with plenty of snow, and snow is skiing to me..:))
Liebe Tina -
Vielen Dank für die nette Anmerkung und für die guten Wünsche - auch Dir nochmals alles Beste in jeder Hinsicht.
Liebsten Gruss aus der heute regnerischen Lombardei.
danke für die Kommentare zu meinen Fotos. Ja, bei dem Foto „Illusion Schwerelosigkeit“ war ich überrascht. Dieser Mann schwebte in der Luft und verblüffte so manchen Besucher. Wie er das gemacht hat, konnte ich nicht sehen.
Ein gutes Neues Jahr 2014 wünsche ich Dir und grüße Dich herzlich, Ulrike
Liebe Tina -
vielen Dank für Deinen Besuch und für den netten Kommentar - dieser freut mich ausserordentlich! Wünsch Dir alles Beste - ein feines Wochenende.
Viele liebe Grüsse.
The first link belongs to the poem that I posted in your picture, is rather sad, as most of sensitive men, Serrat plays better with sadness than happiness this composer is that versatile that may cope with laugh and tears at the same time..the second link is almost an Hymn to all countries that somewhere surround the mediterranean sea, this is a deep sentiment of proud towards thos peoples, I've heard Greek poeople claiming to be their, Purtugesse also..but is definitely Spaniard its name is Mediterraneo an old song but with that air of the things that resist the time quite well..also he has put music to several poems of Machado and Hernandez, both poets jailed under Franco's government there's a special one that i like the best.. is called " Las nanas de la cebolla" something like the mother of the onions, being at jail Miguel hernandez received a letter from his wife that milked a 5 months baby..saying that at home left nothing to eat but onions, the reply of Miguel to this letter is one of the most beautiful and terrible poem that one may throw to the eyes..!
Liebe Tina -
Dein Besuch und Deine nette Anmerkung haben mich ganz besonders gefreut - hab recht herzlichen Dank dafür. Meine besten Wünsche an Dich und eine ganz feine neue Woche. Viele liebe Grüsse.
Thanks a lot for your nice comments, in fact the picture of the sand was made by seaside, the sand means the life, always insecure and not certain, the sentiment on it was just what you grasp..thanks for being that intuitive..
Carlos García Jiménez 04/03/2014 1:53
Thanks a lot dear TinaI'm glad to learn you are fine..
Carlos García Jiménez 04/02/2014 20:49
Thanks again for your beautiful comments and visit..spring is turning the corner, just wait a little auttumn is coming fast here..everyday is getting colder..:( but winter comes with plenty of snow, and snow is skiing to me..:))Hugs
Carlos García Jiménez 28/01/2014 0:36
Hallo dear TinaThanks for your nice comments, I was thinking of you, yesterday only, glad to see that you are fine, just awaiting your spring pictures..:)
Have a nice week
serdirup 08/01/2014 22:11
Dank Tinauna bella e dolce serata
ciao & LG
Jürg Scherrer 03/01/2014 18:44
Liebe Tina -
Vielen Dank für die nette Anmerkung und für die guten Wünsche - auch Dir nochmals alles Beste in jeder Hinsicht.
Liebsten Gruss aus der heute regnerischen Lombardei.
Ulrike Kröll 02/01/2014 19:27
Liebe Tina,danke für die Kommentare zu meinen Fotos. Ja, bei dem Foto „Illusion Schwerelosigkeit“ war ich überrascht. Dieser Mann schwebte in der Luft und verblüffte so manchen Besucher. Wie er das gemacht hat, konnte ich nicht sehen.
Ein gutes Neues Jahr 2014 wünsche ich Dir und grüße Dich herzlich, Ulrike
Carlos García Jiménez 30/12/2013 1:55
Thanks a lot dear tina you are much more than kind.Hugs
Andreas % 23/12/2013 10:02
Du hast sehr schöne Aufnahmen in deiner Galerie.LG Andreas
Carlos García Jiménez 03/12/2013 19:23
Hello TinaGood afternoon, thanks many for your kind visit and comments, be good.
Klaus Boizo 19/11/2013 22:22
danke dir für deine umfangreichen und netten kommentare.lg
Jürg Scherrer 08/11/2013 18:24
Liebe Tina -
vielen Dank für Deinen Besuch und für den netten Kommentar - dieser freut mich ausserordentlich! Wünsch Dir alles Beste - ein feines Wochenende.
Viele liebe Grüsse.
Carlos García Jiménez 05/11/2013 23:28
Hallo Tina
The first link belongs to the poem that I posted in your picture, is rather sad, as most of sensitive men, Serrat plays better with sadness than happiness this composer is that versatile that may cope with laugh and tears at the same time..the second link is almost an Hymn to all countries that somewhere surround the mediterranean sea, this is a deep sentiment of proud towards thos peoples, I've heard Greek poeople claiming to be their, Purtugesse also..but is definitely Spaniard its name is Mediterraneo an old song but with that air of the things that resist the time quite well..also he has put music to several poems of Machado and Hernandez, both poets jailed under Franco's government there's a special one that i like the best.. is called " Las nanas de la cebolla" something like the mother of the onions, being at jail Miguel hernandez received a letter from his wife that milked a 5 months baby..saying that at home left nothing to eat but onions, the reply of Miguel to this letter is one of the most beautiful and terrible poem that one may throw to the eyes..!
Jürg Scherrer 05/11/2013 1:02
Liebe Tina -
Dein Besuch und Deine nette Anmerkung haben mich ganz besonders gefreut - hab recht herzlichen Dank dafür. Meine besten Wünsche an Dich und eine ganz feine neue Woche. Viele liebe Grüsse.
Carlos García Jiménez 04/11/2013 6:26
Hallo TinaThanks a lot for your nice comments, in fact the picture of the sand was made by seaside, the sand means the life, always insecure and not certain, the sentiment on it was just what you grasp..thanks for being that intuitive..
Chriwo64 03/11/2013 19:25
Hey Tina,danke für deine Anmerkung. Den Rahmen habe ich mit einem kostenlosen Proramm erstellt. Ich kann dir den Link schicken...