Pat McMullen 26/03/2007 21:03
Glad that you had a look at the Solitude photo. Thanks.Pat
Michael Henderson 02/03/2007 20:28
Thanks for taking the time to view and comment on my foto. I appreciate it very much.Mike
Csaba Masznyik 01/03/2007 6:22
Carles, You have a lot of beautiful photos.I was looking around in your folio... the first time now.
It is a nice collection!
Coco Martin 24/02/2007 22:57
awesome portfolio!Keep in touch
Maria Porter 04/02/2007 1:46
Thank you Carles for your comment!!! You have an amazing portfolio!!Regards,
Mark Johnston 27/11/2006 22:59
Thanks for the comment Carles,Greetings,
Carlos Ordas 25/11/2006 10:51
Gracias por tus comentarios Carles. Saludos de un "fotógrafo" en horas bajas :)Carlos
Xènia Gasull Sellés 21/11/2006 20:10
Ei Carles! Ja vaig fent, però només me'n deixa pujar una cada set dies.I em diu això: You have reached your upload limit. At the moment it is impossible to upload more because the fotohome function is not available to you.
Si em faig membership hauré de pagar, oi?
Edward Dobrozhinetsky 20/11/2006 14:58
interesting fotosWhen 14/11/2006 9:47
Thanks for the comment. ; )Patrick B. Parenteau 15/10/2006 11:16
Thanks Carles. This shot is somewhat like your "shadows cycling" image only mine doesn't have as much drama. Cheers from Canada. PatrickRadim Spitzer 07/10/2006 4:12
Thanks for your comment. ;)
Well appreciated.
Cheers, R.
Carlos Ordas 22/09/2006 18:27
Gracias por tu comentario Carles. Saludos desde el archipiélago canarioCarlos
Bogac Erguvenc 22/09/2006 0:59
Thanks for your comment on my photo :)Cheers
Jean-Luc Delvaux 21/09/2006 13:28
Thx, Carles.Great pictures, you have! Well done!!