Robert L. Roux 24/10/2007 15:12
thanks to all(e ;-)) my foto c o m m u n i t yfriends
with a special note to Tamara Trejo -
it's a complicated thing
lg rr ;-)))
Tamara Trejo 24/10/2007 6:22
I had a look at your gallery. Lots of good pictures. Funny thing when I went to comment, there was no "Post comment" buttom at the bottom on most of the pictures. Why? TTMaria João Arcanjo 23/10/2007 11:16
Thank you so much my Friend.Beijinhos from Hungary
Kedi 23/10/2007 9:21
Hello Robert! Thank you so much for your beautiful words... Appreciated a lot...Best wishes
Katarina A 21/10/2007 8:00
Hi Robert,Thank you for your nice comments on my pics. :-)
Yours is amazing..
Tony AKa fototaker 20/10/2007 18:15
wow!! visiting your gallery and seeing all the amazing arTe is like visiting an art museum!! outstanding imagery!!Micaela Ehrensperger 19/10/2007 8:50
My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,It comes from the love in my dog's eyes.
(Unknown Poet)
Thank you for your lovely comments...
Cheers, Micaela
Canan Oner 11/10/2007 21:38
Thank you so much for the visit and nice comment Robert !Best wishes,
Lizzy Pe 09/10/2007 8:28
dankeschön, thanksof your far-away friend ... :o)))
Terje Nicolaysen 07/10/2007 11:44
Hi Robert ! Thanks very much for visiting and comments!Regards
Dmitry Zhamkoff 05/10/2007 14:42
Thank you so much for your vote!Best regards D.Zhamkov!!!
Pascale06 02/10/2007 15:59
Merci beaucoup pour ton commentaire sur la petite filleAmicalement
aw masry 01/10/2007 19:48
Hi FriendThanks for your visit and kind comment on this image. I was really appreciated.
Best regards – aw masry
Dmitry Zhamkoff 26/09/2007 10:46
Thanks for your comments and attention to my works.D.zhamkoff
Frank Zabel Photography 24/09/2007 16:07
Dear Robert ;-)Danke für deinen netten Kommentar zu meinem Foto, habe deine gerade auch schon bestaunt, sagenhaft kann ich nur sagen.
LG aus NRW Germany