Karl - Heinz Münker - Appel 25/12/2009 21:36
Hallo WayneIch wünsche Dir und Deiner Familie frohe, besinnliche und erholsame Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr .
Gruß Karl-Heinz
Sorin Lipenschi 25/12/2009 16:43
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.I Strawfish I 24/12/2009 16:53
Merry Christmas!Motie 23/12/2009 6:48
Hedy Nerito 22/10/2009 21:43
:)Jopi 04/10/2009 8:09
Thank you for your comments!Greetings
Max Ruckman 26/09/2009 6:25
Thank you for your comments!Max
Müller Peter (Mupe) 12/09/2009 6:33
Hallo Wayne, many thanks for your comments, many greetings to Australia, Peter!Zinchenko Alex 31/08/2009 22:18
Thanks for comment!Good luck!
André M. Hünseler 28/08/2009 1:23
G'day, mate! :)Thanks for all your comments! It's awesome to see that even 16,000 kilometers away people click on my images. So now I'll check out yours, and hope to be back in Australia again, soon. :)
Enzo48 17/08/2009 19:51
Vielen Dank für die freundliche Unterstützung, Wayne.Thanks a lot for your kind support !
Pascal Viyer 11/08/2009 4:36
Hi Waynemany thanks for your visit
How are you ?
p a s c a l
katy taylor 10/08/2009 20:26
hi wayne,thanks for the comment!!!!!
have a nice evening
Hedy Nerito 09/08/2009 10:56
kissssssssHedy Nerito 29/07/2009 10:10