I *really* enjoy your collection of portrait photos. Furthermore, I like your black and white photography, the images got that chemical character I like, even though they are captured digital.
Well, I'll put you on my buddy list, hope you'll continue the way you began :)
Tillmann Engel 20/09/2006 2:22
orange.Remo S. 18/03/2006 22:51
Hey there!I *really* enjoy your collection of portrait photos. Furthermore, I like your black and white photography, the images got that chemical character I like, even though they are captured digital.
Well, I'll put you on my buddy list, hope you'll continue the way you began :)
Andrew Sumerton-Somersetshire 11/03/2006 21:35
hihoich hab immer zollpapiere geschrieben für ford otomotiva in tranava :)
also schönen gruß dahin :)
.frei.sein. 14/02/2006 18:14
hey igor.herzlich willkommen in der lieben großen und vielseitigen fc!!!! :D
bin von deinen ersten fotos echt begeistert und freue mich auf mehr.
lieben gruß
Quer Beet 14/02/2006 14:20
Gerade mal die ersten Fotos und schon...B wie Buddy!
Mir gefallen deine ersten drei Fotos wahnsinnig gut!
°MICHAEL SCHULZ° 12/02/2006 22:49
hey igor,i like your first photos very much !