Thanks a lot ,Lady, for your vizit & comments. Special thanks for the comments to the work of a series of "mixed channels." This is now my kontseptproekt's exclusive technology. I do not know who works in the same way. I have not found. Thank you. Sincerely. /Ygar/
Charly F. 25/07/2013 22:05
Danke!Viele Deiner Bilder gefallen mir Super! Ich werd mir mal ein Abo von Dir gönnen :-)
Viel Spaß und gutes Locht weiterhin!
Holger Hellinger 02/05/2013 21:48
Vielen Dank für die Anmerkung zu meinem Bild.LG.Holger
Cameron 02/05/2013 21:40
so schnell verlierst du mich nicht, keine angst ;-)derlevi 26/04/2013 23:27
klasse profilbildMatthew Pine 29/03/2013 12:26
wow. was für ein Portraitfoto :)Kerstin Rechberger 27/03/2013 20:31
tolle Bilder!! :)LG Kerstin
Ygar 16/03/2013 0:03
Many Thanks! My Regards! /Ygar/Ygar 15/03/2013 12:33
Many thaks to you! My Regards! /Ygar/Cameron 08/03/2013 19:28
ich bin immer noch hier, meine liebe ...ColdHeritage 07/03/2013 21:08
Durchweg klasse Bilder!lg
Ygar 13/02/2013 1:17
Thanks a lot ,Lady, for your vizit & comments. Special thanks for the comments to the work of a series of "mixed channels." This is now my kontseptproekt's exclusive technology. I do not know who works in the same way. I have not found. Thank you. Sincerely. /Ygar/Wolfgang Theiss 11/02/2013 21:26
Deine Viel.Seitigkeit ist ungemein spannend. Werde mal mit der würdigen Zeit wiederkommen. Dafür *orange*Ygar 08/02/2013 22:58
You are a master. Hats off!Ygar 30/01/2013 3:28
Hi! I like your work. I would like to more communication and contact. I have a website not long ago and did not delve into the still. Success to you!© Ulrike L. 08/01/2013 8:31
ganz wunderbar hier...mein Komplimentso gut für die Augen und mehr
lg Ulrike