Doug Hough 06/12/2007 19:01
Hi Dominique, It's always a pleasure to get a comment from one of my favorite photographers. Thank you for your kind words. Best Wishes, DougMassimo Carolla 19/11/2007 19:58
Thanks Dominique ;-)
Ilidio Fernandes 19/11/2007 1:49
Hi Dominique thank you for the voteAbdul Khaliq 18/11/2007 8:31
Hello Dominique,Many thanks for your vote.
NICO FIERMONTE 16/11/2007 11:08
grazie....Gert van der Flier 12/11/2007 18:51
Hi Dominique,I corrected your picture (horizon) in Photoshop CS3.
How can I send an example to you?
Best regards, Gert
Digitalclub Meranerland 12/11/2007 15:07
Hi Dominique! Thanks for your comment. Regards from Italy. MarkusLa Khan 08/11/2007 7:35
Thank You :)Gert van der Flier 03/11/2007 11:20
Hi Dominique,Thanks for your kind comment on
Have a nice weekend.
Best regards, Gert
Jos Peeters 02/11/2007 23:23
thank you very much fore your responses, sorry for my bad English and i can for this reason not helping you ,but with the dodge and burn tools are very powerful tools in photoshop cs.thanks again !!
aw masry 02/11/2007 11:41
Hi Dear FriendThanks so much for your vote. I was really appreciated.
Best regards - aw masry
Vesela Maleeva 29/10/2007 21:01
Hi Domi,Thank you for your support, without which
"Red moon flower" would not have made it.
Claire L. 28/10/2007 15:52
Fons van Swaal 27/10/2007 20:16
Thank you very much Dominique , it's much appreciated...;-))
Best regards..............Fons
Maria João Arcanjo 23/10/2007 11:28
Thank you so much my Friend.Beijinhos from Hungary