Davide De Vincenzi 30/12/2007 9:17
Hallo Ken!thanks for your visit and comment
I Strawfish I 24/12/2007 23:54
Merry x-mas, Best Regards andmany thx for the comments.
D.O. Hennig
aw masry 17/12/2007 15:31
Hi FriendThanks for your visit and kind comment. Much appreciated.
Best regards – aw masry
Maximilian E.T.-Schmidt 14/12/2007 17:19
Thank you so much for your pro!Your pictures are beautiful and Great!
Ilidio Fernandes 11/12/2007 18:47
Thank you for the vote onGert van der Flier 08/12/2007 22:20
Othmar Rabensteiner 08/12/2007 18:44
Hi Ken,I am pleased that you my Christmas Lichen Vienna pictures taken.
Greetings from Vienna Othmar
Piroska Baetz 02/12/2007 17:06
Hi Ken,I wish you and your family a nice, thoughtful Advent season wish. With love very sincerely,
The Piri
Carlo Capobianchi 01/12/2007 22:03
Grazie Ken, ciao CarloCanan Oner 30/11/2007 0:40
Hi Ken !Thanks for the visit and comment...
Kenny Jazz 28/11/2007 14:01
Thanks a lot for nice word of joy to "Call me" :) You really made my day !!!Maria João Arcanjo 25/11/2007 22:26
Thank you so much. You made possible this little star.Beijinhos
Ilidio Fernandes 19/11/2007 1:41
Ken thank you for the voteGert van der Flier 10/11/2007 17:46
Hi Ken,Thanks for your nice comment on
Have a nice weekend.
Best regards, Gert
Perry Blevins 24/10/2007 7:53
Hi Ken, thank you for your nice comment.Regards,