yesterday I tried few times to write you but there must
be some technical problems in the fc, it doesn't work.
So I try now again :-)
It's nice to have contact, over fc, to people also from
far away countries, really. I was estonished to get these
comments from you. Thanks for your your friendly comment to my pic with the 'little lady' and this pic where I took my son at the beach with this frisbee!
In you profil-foto (oh, my English, hope this is ok) I can see that you must be big friend of children and I think you've a lucky family! Me too - we've 4 children in age 16/19/21 and 23 now. It's best in the world to have children, I think.
Hallo Bruce
Herzlichen Dank für deine Anmerkung zu meinen Fliegern! Zur Erinnerung stell ich sie dir gerne in dein Profil.
So eine DC-3 steht übrigens auch in einem Museum in Luzern (Verkehrsmuseum). Sie war ja schliesslich Linienflugzeug der früheren Swissair, unserer nationalen Fluggesellschaft.
Herzliche Grüsse aus der Schweiz
HR Fotografie 11/08/2007 22:43
hi Bruce!Thanks for your friendly comment on my picture!
kind regards, Hauke
riddl 11/08/2007 10:21
hi bruce.....danke für dein nettes kommentar....
Silke Mei 03/06/2007 16:58
thankyou for your comment..for you in color ;-)
rk-photos privat 03/06/2007 16:45
Hello Bruce,thanks for that friedly comment.
Greetings from Hilden in Germany.
sonja75 29/05/2007 15:40
to many thanks to for yours kommentar. therre i´m only in start with photos, i´m greatful for everybody tip.thanks.
bey sonja
Roger F 28/05/2007 14:17
Hallo Bruce,herzlichen Dank für deine Anmerkung.
Gruss Roger F
Madam Ungeschickt 16/03/2007 20:23
Vielen dank für die Anmerkungen......Es Grüessli
Ach ja, Sharon ist ihr Name ;)
Sabine Pankratz 25/01/2007 17:21
Thanke ! SabineUwe Hahn 30/11/2006 20:08
Hello Bruce,I am very happy that you wrote so nice words for my picture! I am proud to get in contact to people from countries far away!
Keep in contact!
Nik O. Laus 16/11/2006 23:15
Hy there,thanks for that friedly comment.
Liebe Grüße,
Claus Dackermann 16/10/2006 8:33
Hi Bruce,yesterday I tried few times to write you but there must
be some technical problems in the fc, it doesn't work.
So I try now again :-)
It's nice to have contact, over fc, to people also from
far away countries, really. I was estonished to get these
comments from you. Thanks for your your friendly comment to my pic with the 'little lady' and this pic where I took my son at the beach with this frisbee!
In you profil-foto (oh, my English, hope this is ok) I can see that you must be big friend of children and I think you've a lucky family! Me too - we've 4 children in age 16/19/21 and 23 now. It's best in the world to have children, I think.
Greetings from old Germany to Canada!
Spinnenknipser 06/10/2006 21:33
Danke für die nette Anmerkungviele Grüße aus Spalt
† Willy Vogelsang 24/09/2006 22:01
Hallo BruceHerzlichen Dank für deine Anmerkung zu meinen Fliegern! Zur Erinnerung stell ich sie dir gerne in dein Profil.
So eine DC-3 steht übrigens auch in einem Museum in Luzern (Verkehrsmuseum). Sie war ja schliesslich Linienflugzeug der früheren Swissair, unserer nationalen Fluggesellschaft.
Herzliche Grüsse aus der Schweiz
Chiemgaufotograf 10/09/2006 15:29
Hallo Bruce,thanks for your nice comment and welcome to the FC.
Your photo shows, that you must be a very nice and happy father!
Greetings from Munich, Andreas.