thanks dear Draga. No Turner. Only Michael. I´m a painter
since I can remember and trained for creative results in my
long professional life in public relation. For important german
jobs like VW, Bayer Leverkusen Pharma and Crop Protection,
Thyssen-Krupp and Wodka Moskovskaya for example...
See you, Michael
Irbenika 08/12/2010 15:49
Draga, thank you very much! Best regards, IrinaChristian Bertero 08/12/2010 12:56
Christian Bertero 08/12/2010 12:52
Grazie mille amica. Ti sei ricordata de "L'amour des trois oranges" de Serguei Prokofief ...
Michael Grotkamp 08/12/2010 4:50
thanks dear Draga. No Turner. Only Michael. I´m a paintersince I can remember and trained for creative results in my
long professional life in public relation. For important german
jobs like VW, Bayer Leverkusen Pharma and Crop Protection,
Thyssen-Krupp and Wodka Moskovskaya for example...
See you, Michael
Michael Grotkamp 06/12/2010 11:43
hi artista, hope you are back completly !welcome back and thanks your visit.
saluti, michael
Ingo Engelmann 30/11/2010 17:35
I like to re-view your pictures... but what are you doing now? Best wishes for ther forthcoming advent time!Ingo
Anca Silvia B. 20/08/2010 21:02
Hi Draga,how are you?Hugs,anca
Armin Scholz 08/08/2010 11:46
Du hast eine interessante Art zu fotografieren.LG Armin
Fons van Swaal 31/05/2010 10:42
Much appreciated my friend......;-))
Best regards,
Francesco Bologna 28/05/2010 19:14
Grazie del gentile commento.
Tatiana Gutskova 28/05/2010 11:44
Pussy neighbors, comes to us nap :-)))Thank you for your comments!
Tatiana with best wishes.
Emir Hadzidervisagic Roki 28/05/2010 8:45
Ciao Draga, ti ringrazio di cuore per i tuo bellissimo commento e del tua apprezzamento, tante belle cose, affettuosissimi saluti...EmirTad Kanazaki 27/05/2010 9:48
Merci beaucoup.
Bw Tad.
Luigi Boeris 25/05/2010 9:52
Grazie Mille Ciao LUIgiFederica Greco 17/05/2010 22:43
wow thanks