Mes meilleures photos
A propos de moi
Thank you for visiting!
The primary focus of my photography is three-fold: Scandinavia, Africa and Asia, landscapes, animals and people. I am an adventure and landscape photographer who strives to capture the deep, rich colors of nature. A passionate person, I became consumed with photography while traveling in Scandinavia. During my first journey to Norway, I became inspired by the grandiose landscapes of the mountains, and of the endless coastlines.
I use camera formats ranging from 35mm to medium format, to the latest in digital camera technologies. I currently reside in Islamabad, Pakistan where I explore and try to capture the beauty of this Country.
Thank you for viewing my photographs. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy sharing them with you. Please contact me with any questions.
"Everyone needs a place to dream about!"
The primary focus of my photography is three-fold: Scandinavia, Africa and Asia, landscapes, animals and people. I am an adventure and landscape photographer who strives to capture the deep, rich colors of nature. A passionate person, I became consumed with photography while traveling in Scandinavia. During my first journey to Norway, I became inspired by the grandiose landscapes of the mountains, and of the endless coastlines.
I use camera formats ranging from 35mm to medium format, to the latest in digital camera technologies. I currently reside in Islamabad, Pakistan where I explore and try to capture the beauty of this Country.
Thank you for viewing my photographs. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy sharing them with you. Please contact me with any questions.
"Everyone needs a place to dream about!"
Alexander Max Maier 11/06/2007 15:09
hi,tolles portfolio, glückwunsch.
schöne grüße aus ulm, alex
ps. ->
Richard Overtoom 04/04/2005 12:34
hi Achimthanks a lot for your comment regarding:
best regards, richard
Maren Arndt 21/02/2005 11:36
"Everyone needs a place to dream about!"Wahre Worte und deine Fotos zeigen uns viele traumhaft schöne Plätze..
Viel Spaß weiterhin in der Fc wünscht dir
Dieter Wundes 06/05/2004 10:32
Hallo Achim,bin von Deinen Reisebildern beeindruckt, werde sie mir alle nochmal in Ruhe ansehen.
Gruß Dieter
Helmut Schadt 30/01/2004 5:43
hallo achim,herzlichen dank für deine anmerkung zu meinem bild aus afghanistan. würde mich interessieren was du in Pakistan machst wo du dich ja zur zeit aufhälst.
liebe grüße aus renningen bei stuttgart nach islamabad
Verena Scholze 18/11/2003 16:20
Hi Achim,bin eben auf Deine Fotos gestoßen und finde Sie klasse.
Mein absoluter Favorit ist der Leopoard ! Was für ein Glück, dass Du den gesehen hast ! Einfach toll !
Ich schaue gerne wieder bei Dir vorbei.
LG, Verena
Heidi Zimmerli 25/09/2003 6:14
Hallo AchimWarum hat denn hier noch niemand was hereingeschrieben? Du machst tolle Fotos. Werde Dich auf meine Liste setzen.
Gruss aus der Schweiz