Axilleas Pitsavas

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Commentaire 28

  • Pitsavasg 06/01/2016 20:57

    nice photos......nice shooting
  • Storyteller 31/05/2015 19:26

    Thanks for your +, Axilleas! Nice that you like it.
    Greetings, Sabine
    The smoker
    The smoker
  • Tania Skaradek 30/05/2015 0:58

    Thank you, Axilleas!
    Have a nice weekend:-)
    Best regards
  • Storyteller 29/05/2015 14:34

    Thank you very much for your comment! Best regards, Sabine
    Crossing the river
    Crossing the river
  • Christos Banos 27/05/2015 21:08

    Efxaristw poly gia tin episkepsi kai to sxolio!
    Geia sou, Christos
  • Christos Banos 21/02/2015 20:07

    Se euxaristw poly gia to sxolio sou!
  • John Doddato 24/05/2013 12:51

    Thanks Axilleas for your comment on Mississippi crossing. John
  • R Kilduff 20/05/2013 1:04

    I wanted to thank you for your kind comment.

  • Silvana W. 18/05/2013 23:12

    Many thanks ¡
    Best wishes
  • Stropp 17/05/2013 21:24

    ... thanx ... he is sending you a cat-smile!
    scary monster
    scary monster
  • alexander stefanatos 17/05/2013 9:08

    Hi Achilles
    Can you send me again your e-mail because it seems that I get some difficulties in getting through. Thanks
  • Anna Kowalski 16/05/2013 18:07

    Hi Axilleas, thanks for the comment :) Much appreciated.
  • alexander stefanatos 14/05/2013 21:08

    Hi Achillea,
    Thanks very much for your request which I accept of course with all my heart.The difficulty is the language we are going to use!.I would like to speek greek with you but no way in FC. And I hate greeklish.So unfortunately we have to settle in Ehglish for the time being! Anyway I will try to send my e-mail to you.
    friendly alexander
  • thebwdane 13/05/2013 19:08

    Thanks for your comment.
    Nice to see that I'm not the only one trying to get everything out of the small Nikon.
    You got a really nice gallery.
  • Dundee Photographics 13/05/2013 2:17

    Great gallery and images. Many thanks for your comments ;)
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