Dragomir Vukovic

Community Manager, BOISE

A propos de moi

you went down when you were looking up, you were looking down and you missed the sky, just be the beautiful you, it will not happen again - dragomir



* In The Silence,
Your Eyes Open To SEE *
Look to be able to listen, listen to be able to see, do not see just look.


My cameras:
Canon F-1N
Canon EOS 1N
Canon EOS 1V
Canon 5D Mark II
Canon 5D Mark III
Canon G5X
Fuji XT-3
Fuji XH-1
Canon FD 20/2.8 S.S.C.
Canon FD 24/2.8 S.S.C.
Canon FD 50/1.2 S.S.C.
Canon EF 28-70/2.8 L
Canon EF 70-200/2.8L IS
Tamron 20-40/2.5-3.5
Canon 50/2.5 Macro
Fuji 16/1.4
Mitakon 35/0.95

Commentaire 1815

  • artriedwyl - Peter Riedwyl 26/05/2024 20:37

    Dear Dragomir, thank you very much for visiting my site and many thanks for your "like". I am glad to have a view over your artwork and I like very much your black/white landscapes. Thanks.
  • Valentin Franck 18/05/2024 8:59

    Vielen Dank für Lob und Kommentar…!
    LG Vale
  • hensken 06/05/2024 18:13

    Danke für deine Anmerkungen zu meinen Fotos. lg. hensken
  • LeoMinor 05/05/2024 12:13

    Mit Dank und Gruß für dein Lob „# sie wissen noch immer nicht was sie tun“: :)

    freundliche Grüße, Jörn
  • Geri Barreti 26/04/2024 11:29

    Dein Foto der Stunde hat mich zu deinem Profil geführt - und ich stelle fest: ich folge mal. LG Geri
  • David Arduini 23/03/2024 0:41

    Thank you Dragomir, thanks for appreciating my photos, Ciao David
  • David Arduini 27/02/2024 15:14

    Hi Dragomir I appreciate your likes of my photos, David
  • David Arduini 26/02/2024 15:43

    Hi Dragomir thank you. Ciao David
  • David Arduini 17/02/2024 15:44

    Hi Dragomir, thank you for appreciating my photo.  I am experimenting more with black and white. Now I just need a lot of time, Regards David
  • Alex Kozhukhov 04/02/2024 8:31

    Dear Dragomir, thanx for appreciating my work! Regards, Alex.
  • David Arduini 04/02/2024 4:41

    Hi Dragomir thank you appreciating the Coca Cola sign, I wish there more signs around like that. Cheers David
  • EraS Perani 08/01/2024 22:46

    Hi Drag, many thanks
  • Tonino Di Marzio 26/11/2023 22:12

    Grazie mille Dragomir.
  • Bodo.K 26/11/2023 10:25

    Eine besondere Sammlung!
    Hier schau ich gerne öfter mal rein.
  • hpsp 13/10/2023 11:18

    thank you for all these likes!
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